Guide | Create an intensive care unit yourself |
Target group | Birds – NOTE: THE GUIDE IS NOT FINISHED YET |
Author | |
Version | 2022-04-27 |
NOTE: In all my guides, I start from a situation where a rehabilitator takes his responsibility to take care of the animals in an ethically correct way. You should always try to minimize stress for the bird and since the birds, just like humans, are not the same, it can mean that you handle a problem in different ways by being creative! If I see different ways of doing the same thing, I try to write it down in my guides, but it is always up to the rehabilitator to take their own responsibility. I do not have to write “I recommend putting the bird down” or “contact a veterinarian” or “according to law, you should …” because I start from the situation where you do the best for the bird and that you as a rehabilitator have learned to draw the line so that you do not end up in an unwanted or illegal situation. There may be an eternal battle between what you want and what is best for the bird. There are also many factors where a similar situation can give different results. For example: access to a veterinarian, lack of time, lack of knowledge and previous experience can include cause large differences in the treatment and decision-making process and indirectly also the end result. Knowledge of basic things can make a huge difference in the stress level of the crow. For example. avoid anything that is black or checkered. They do not like it instinctively and it creates stress when they see that you are dealing with something that is black. I put energy into my guides to make it easier for a rehabilitator to find information and to spread knowledge. Do you see a way to improve my guides or do you see a mistake or do you want to add something, feel free to inform me! If you are worried about doing something because it is new, ask other rehabilitators or a veterinarian for help. The guides are continuously updated, so make sure to always download the latest version from |
An intensive care unit for birds is really expensive, but so much better than other ways to keep a bird warm.
You can of course buy one for + – 900 GBP + shipping:
But you can also make one yourself for around 120 GBP which has exactly the same function. It requires some work (screw, drill, electrical work, ..)
Ask for help if you have questions and if you have never worked with electricity-related things, then it is generally best that you ask for help 🙂
Items you need to buy:
A plastic box. It can be any box really, but do not forget that a bird does not like that things can happen from all possible directions. It is therefore best if it is not completely transparent. You can of course paint the outside or put planks around it all.
Overview of articles and costs:
kostnad inkl frakt | antal | var köpt | beskrivning |
73 | 1 | Wish | 3 stift IEC320 C14 Inloppsmodul plugg 5 A säkringsbrytare hane strömuttag 10A 250 V för labbutrustning, medicinska enheter |
77 | 2 | Wish | Twotrees fläkt, 60*60*15mm, 12V |
57 | 1 | Amazon | PTC-termostat värmeplatta, konstant temperatur luftvärmare hög effekt PTC-värmeelement 220 V 50 W/80 W/110 W |
170 | 1 | Ebay | STC-3028-Temperatur-Feuchtigkeitsregler-Thermometer-Hygrometer-110-220V |
90 | 1 | Wish | ultrasonic mist maker-fogger 12v |
97 | 1 | Wish | power supply led driver 12V 3A 36w |
34 | 4 | Wish | led switch 12v |
38 | 1 | Wish | solid state switch (12v switch --> sensor --> 240v switching) |
80 | 2 | Wish | led belysning för utomhus husvagn 12v |
269 | 1 | Biltema | Hyllplan Limfog 2100X500X18MM |